Spoiler Fixed Damage Arc 3

Spoiler yang akan terjadi di Fixed Damage Arc 3

Sebagian(?) spoiler yang akan terjadi di Fixed Damage Arc 3. Jirrrr, mataku sakit abis baca MTL
Some spoiler(s) that will occur in Fixed Damage Arc 3. Dahelll, my eyes so hurt after reading MTL

Biarpun gitu enggak 100% sama ama yang bakalan ada di Arc 3.... awokokaowkooakowkowkaowk. kira-kira dari 1-100 yang sama bakalan kejadian di arc 3 ada 6 lah....
Even so, it's not 100% the same as that will occur in Arc 3. Well, approximately, from 1-100 that will occur in arc 3 there are 6, that's it....

Tapi intinya tetep sama lah...
But the very main point is the same

The Spoiler(?) here:
that video is not mine...

Advice: don't finish it ðŸ˜…😂

this is
Unfaedah / Meaningless

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