Lort Kuzuma - 19

Childhood Friends Became Popular Idols ~The Sweet Girls Are Supporting Me~

Osananajimi-tachi ga Ninki Idol ni Natta ~Amaamana Kanojotachi wa Ore ni Mitsuide Kurete iru~

Src: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n0027hu/19/

19 - Crazy People Attract Fellow Crazy People!

Anyway, there's one thing I’ve figured out. Arisa was completely useless.
At first glance, she looked like your typical strong-willed tsundere, but the truth is she was a complete pushover who could be ridiculously soft when it came to her close friends.
She was probably the type who wouldn’t be able to scold her kids if she had any, and instead, would spoil them rotten. Expecting anything from someone like her was clearly a mistake in the first place.

(Anyway, Arisa is a no-go. She’s unreliable in so many ways. I never thought she’d be this weak under pressure...)

Honestly, even towards her female childhood friend, Arisa was this blindly soft, it made her seem like a bit of a walking red flag, didn’t she?
She was a beautiful, caring girl who forgave anything you did. Those who got caught up in her charm would definitely fall hard, it was kind of like falling into a bottomless pit. Anyone who married Arisa, no matter how great they were, was definitely going to end up as a loser.
I was already worried about the future of this hidden loser-making, silver-haired childhood friend of mine.

(But if I can’t rely on Arisa, who else can I turn to…?)

There was only one other option.
So I glanced over at the white bunny girl.


She—Ichinose—was the only real outsider in this situation.
Honestly, if she wanted to run for it, no one could blame her. But here she was, sticking around.
At this point, she was my only hope, the only one who could save me from this mess.

(Though, I have no idea what she’s thinking...)

Her expression stayed expressionless as ever, making it impossible to read her. But the fact remained that she was the only person I could rely on.
If I could get Ichinose on my side, I could even the odds and turn this situation around.

(But how? How can I get her on my side?)

That was the crux of the problem.
Would Ichinose side with me in this chaotic situation? That was the one major, looming concern I had.

I barely knew this maid bunny girl, and I’d just seen her happily chatting with the girls moments ago.
The best option was to ask her directly, but there was a high chance Setsuna would meddle in. If that happened, I’d end up getting cornered three against one, with no allies left.
If it came to that,  the odds of me getting confined would skyrocket. I couldn’t afford to make any wrong moves here.

(Damn, what should I do...?!)

Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind.
That’s right, Setsuna had won Arisa over by tugging at her emotions.
If that worked for her, then maybe I could try the same approach, right...? The instant I thought that, my body was already in motion.

"Ichinose, help me! If you don’t, They are seriously gonna confine me!"

As I shouted, I threw myself at the expressionless-faced bunny maid, wrapping my arms around her body.
The soft, plush sensation that pressed against my face made me grin a little, but that was a secret I kept to myself.

"Wha! What are you doing, Kazuma?!"

Just then, my childhood friends’ voices rang out in shock and confusion, but I couldn’t care less.
I was fighting for my life here. So, I couldn’t be blamed for shaking my head left and right, taking in the full softness of the bunny maid. Yup, no one could blame me here.

"Please, Ichinose~! I’ll do anything! Just save me~!"

From the outside, what I was doing might seem incredibly pathetic and like a disgusting act for a man.
But for me, this was a survival strategy.
When asking for help, half-hearted pride was just a hindrance.
So, it was crucial to throw everything away, expose my true self, and seek protection in this situation.
In the process, I might be forgiven for enjoying myself just a little.
After all, my future was at stake here, and I'd thrown away my pride. I had no obligation to accept any complaints.

While making excuses like that, I was casually pressing my handsome face against the slender maid's breasts, enjoying the moment when—

"......Truly, what a wonderfully despicable person you are. Hopeless. I’ve never seen such a useless human being before."

For some reason, Ichinose's body trembled.
Then, her hand wrapped around my back, and she said,

"Finally, I've finally found you... my master, the one I was meant to serve..."

With a flushed face, she said that.


Wait, what’s going on here?
I don’t really get it, but it seemed like I'd been recognized as her master.


Anyway... Did this mean I'd gotten a new girl who would support me?

"Yay! Woohoo!"

I really was a lucky guy! I didn’t know why, but I got a maid...


Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Please don’t look at me like that, Setsuna-san, it’s horrifying, I'm serious.
~"(This is a Translation Content of pemudatunawisata[dot]my[dot]id. so, read only on there, kay~)"~

[End of Chapter]



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